Nice concept
Nice concept
I loved the concept
Great idea,
there's just very little variation.
Nana's shield can deflect about anything, from running boars to bombs, lasers you name it. maybe you should add a bar to it, say if its had enough hits, it runs out and your left without the shield, that would make the game somewhat harder and more chalenging.
Maybe some power ups? The shield for example, say you could fuel it up with power ups, or give pico a spread gun or something.
Now for what I loved,
the idea of switching characters is superb. It gives a clear idea of what weapon your wielding at that time and it devides your hp, which makes the game more strategic.
I also loved the enemy's, especially the hotdog, a pitty it didn't refuel after it shoots its sawsage.
All in all, good game.
In my opinion it just needs a little work.
Keep it up!
Loved it
Got me hooked straight away : )
Wadolf is SO hard
Loved it.
Joined on 2/23/09